Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Buffing Comparisons

Buffing Comparisons for Maintaining a 10,000 sq. ft. Facility
Time (minutes)Cost Per Task
20" 175 RPM250$41.65
20" 300 RPM150$24.99
20" 1000 RPM70$11.66
20" 2000 RPM60$10.00
Propane Powered  
20" 2000 RPM37$6.16

* Labor Cost @ $10.00 per hour

Time justification for purchasing " Ultra High Speed Floor Care System" maintaining a 10,000 sq. ft facility.

Cost of Spray Buffing using a 20" Standard speed floor machine- $41.65

Cost of Burnishing using a 20" 1600 RPM high speed floor machine- $10.00

* Example, maintaining a facility of 10,000 sq. ft buffing one day per week, 52 times per year (once per week).

$41.65 x 52 times per year = $ 2165.80 in labor costs per year


$10.00 x 52 times per year = $ 520.00 in labor costs per year

A net savings of $1645.80 in the first year

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